Tuesday, July 21, 2015

BLOG A BOOK Future Project

A NEW BOOK VENTURE!  As I continue to learn and hug new adventures through my computer, I decided I must plan a new project.  I intend it to be a fascinating journey.  Simply put, at the end of summer, I plan to write a book ON-LINE.

When I first heard of this concept and listened to the plan to accomplish the fete, I was tossed back in time to my 7th grade English class.  Her name was Mrs. Spencer.  She was intimidating, fiery, a bit fierce and she taught the class with an iron fist.  I loved her.  And I learned more in that English class than any before or after.  At precisely 1:00 every day, she chose one student to be her "timer" and she opened a hardback book to read to the class.  No one moved.  Again, "precisely" fifteen minutes later, her "timer" called out to her, she closed the book and put it away.  The class usually sighed with disappointment and a great deal of mumbling.  

Typically, I do not (now) enjoy listening to others read to me.  As a child though, my mother gathered me and my brothers around her knee (we sat on the floor, she got the couch) and read fairy tales to us from a very old, worn-out Book of Knowledge.  We were mesmerized and the memory still stays with me and a soft feeling explodes through my chest.   I am now the proud owner of the entire set of books.

Mrs. Spencer, on the other hand, would read, twitch her pursed lips at times and exaggeratedly turn each page. Did I even blink as I anticipated the next part of the story?  The book was titled, PARIS UNDERGROUND.  Years later, I found the old book, certainly now out of print, and tried to read the book.  I realized it was Mrs. Spencer, not the book, that held us spellbound.  Yes, the book was good, but hearing just a tiny piece of the story each day kept us still, listening and quiet.

My hope is to create that anticipation for others in my Blog to Book project and my timeline goal is set for September, 2015.  I'll be Mrs. Spencer and you can be me.... (smile).