Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Blog-A-Book starting point and "Followers"

Blogging a book is a new concept for me and my thoughts never stop racing around in my head like marbles in a glass jar.  When I first began to think of the project, I could not decide whether to write one full book, a book of short stories or a memoir.  Several readers have asked me how they can "follow" my blog to keep up with each new post.  And I have been working on that issue -- Today, I am hopeful that my Website Guru, Mandie, has explored the points necessary to make this happen.

Please be patient as we work toward the project and eliminate all the loose strings that still hang...
Once it is finalized, you can just click on my red 'follow' button on the home page of my website at and it should take you to a box of options.  You can click on a reader to open the posts or click on "receive by email."  

I hope you do come along for the ride on this virgin project...and I encourage you to leave comments along the way.  Stay tuned!